Time Series in R: Quick Reference


June 26, 2018

Read and Define the Time Series (TS) Objects

Read from a Saved File

These functions reads a file without a TS structure and then defines the TS object.

# Read from a raw csv file
raw.data <- read.table("./data/data.us.csv", sep = ",", header = T)

# When you have the dates in the original csv file
xts.data <- xts(raw.data, order.by = as.Date(raw.data$date, "%m/%d/%Y"))

# When you don't have the dates in the original csv file but know the starting date
date = seq(as.Date("1960/3/1"), by = "3 month", length.out = nrow(raw.data))
xts.data <- xts(raw.data[,-1], order.by = date, frequency = 3)

This function reads and declares the TS structure from the begining.

# Note that this is a TS with a zoo structure
ts.data <- read.zoo("./data/data.us.csv", index.column = 1, sep = ",", header = T, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
# Or...
ts.data <- ts(raw.data[,2:4], frequency = 4, start = c(1960,1))

# One can convert the TS-zoo into a xts...
xts.data <- as.xts(ts.data)

Read from Online Sources

There are two main ways to get data into R: get the data into Excel or a csv or download for an online source. There are built-in package to get the data directly for the web in a predefined format. The table below shows the most popular sources and packages that one can use.

Sources R-Package Web Pages
Yahoo, FRED, Google, Onda quantmod Link
International Monetary Fund (IMF) IMFData or imfr Link
World Bank’s WDI WDI Link
OECD rsdmx Link
Penn World Tables pwt Link
International Labor Organization (ILO) rsdmx Link

One can use the getSymbols function with a previous search in the web pages and download directly into R.

getSymbols("GDPC1", src = "FRED")
getSymbols("PCEPILFE", src = "FRED")
getSymbols("FEDFUNDS", src = "FRED")

names(GDPC1) <- "US Real GDP"
names(PCEPILFE) <- "Core PCE"
names(FEDFUNDS) <- "FED Rate"

Subset and Extract

# Federal funds rate, montly data from January 1980 to March
           FED Rate
1980-01-01    13.82
1980-02-01    14.13
1980-03-01    17.19
# Real GDP, quarterly data, for in 2006
           US Real GDP
2006-01-01    15244.09
2006-04-01    15281.52
2006-07-01    15304.52
2006-10-01    15433.64
# End of period inflation rate from 2000 to 2005
PCEPILFE[format(index(PCEPILFE["2000/2005"]), "%m") %in% "12"]
           Core PCE
1959-12-01   17.029
1960-12-01   17.255
1961-12-01   17.458
1962-12-01   17.677
1963-12-01   17.972
1964-12-01   18.201

Identify ’NA’s, Fill and Splice

# Set missings into the series...
gdp.miss <- GDPC1["2000/2002"]
gdp.miss["2001"] <- NA
# Identify the NAs

# Show numbers without NAs
# Fill missing with the last observarion or with the first non-missing
# observation
cbind(gdp.miss, na.locf(gdp.miss), na.locf(gdp.miss, fromLast = T))
           US.Real.GDP US.Real.GDP.1 US.Real.GDP.2
2000-01-01    12935.25      12935.25      12935.25
2000-04-01    13170.75      13170.75      13170.75
2000-07-01    13183.89      13183.89      13183.89
2000-10-01    13262.25      13262.25      13262.25
2001-01-01          NA      13262.25      13394.91
2001-04-01          NA      13262.25      13394.91
2001-07-01          NA      13262.25      13394.91
2001-10-01          NA      13262.25      13394.91
2002-01-01    13394.91      13394.91      13394.91
2002-04-01    13477.36      13477.36      13477.36
2002-07-01    13531.74      13531.74      13531.74
2002-10-01    13549.42      13549.42      13549.42
# Fill missing values with linear interpolation and bubic spline
cbind(gdp.miss, na.approx(gdp.miss), na.spline(gdp.miss, method = "fmm"))
           US.Real.GDP US.Real.GDP.1 US.Real.GDP.2
2000-01-01    12935.25      12935.25      12935.25
2000-04-01    13170.75      13170.75      13170.75
2000-07-01    13183.89      13183.89      13183.89
2000-10-01    13262.25      13262.25      13262.25
2001-01-01          NA      13288.96      13319.23
2001-04-01          NA      13315.08      13335.55
2001-07-01          NA      13341.50      13337.02
2001-10-01          NA      13368.20      13348.30
2002-01-01    13394.91      13394.91      13394.91
2002-04-01    13477.36      13477.36      13477.36
2002-07-01    13531.74      13531.74      13531.74
2002-10-01    13549.42      13549.42      13549.42

Transformations, Combine and Change Frequency

Basic Function Transformations
Transformation Command
Logarithm log(y)
Lag: Lnyt=yt1 lag(y,n)
Difference: Δyt=ytyt1 diff(y)
Moving average: y¯tn=1ni=0n1yti rollapply(y, n, FUN = mean)
Cumulative sum: yts=i=0tyi cumsum(y)
# Transformations
xts.gdp$lgdp <- log(xts.gdp$gdp)
xts.gdp$lgdp_1 <- lag(xts.gdp$lgdp, 1)
xts.gdp$dlgdp <- diff(xts.gdp$lgdp)
xts.gdp$mov.avg5_lgdp <- rollapply(xts.gdp$lgdp, 5, FUN = mean)
xts.gdp$cu.sum_lgdp <- cumsum(xts.gdp$lgdp)

Period aggregation
# Get a date index on a lower frequency
Quarterly periodicity from 1947-03-01 to 2023-03-01 
years <- endpoints(xts.gdp, on = "years")

# Aggregate to first/end of period
xts.gdp.a.firs <- period.apply(xts.gdp, INDEX = years, FUN = first)
xts.gdp.a.last <- period.apply(xts.gdp, INDEX = years, FUN = last)
# Aggregate to average of period
xts.gdp.a.mean <- period.apply(xts.gdp, INDEX = years, FUN = mean)
# Aggregate to sum of period
xts.gdp.a.sum <- period.apply(xts.gdp, INDEX = years, FUN = sum)
# Aggregate to min/max of period
xts.gdp.a.min <- period.apply(xts.gdp, INDEX = years, FUN = min)
xts.gdp.a.max <- period.apply(xts.gdp, INDEX = years, FUN = max)
# Putting all together...
cbind(xts.gdp["2000/2001"], xts.gdp.a.firs["2000/2001"], xts.gdp.a.last["2000/2001"],
    xts.gdp.a.mean["2000/2001"], xts.gdp.a.sum["2000/2001"], xts.gdp.a.min["2000/2001"],
2000-03-01 12935.25       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
2000-06-01 13170.75       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
2000-09-01 13183.89       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
2000-12-01 13262.25 12935.25 13262.25 13138.04 52552.14 12935.25 13262.25
2001-03-01 13219.25       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
2001-06-01 13301.39       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
2001-09-01 13248.14       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
2001-12-01 13284.88 13219.25 13284.88 13263.42 53053.67 13219.25 13301.39

Combine series
# Aggregate data to quarterly averages
quarts <- endpoints(xts.inf, on = "quarters")
xts.inf.q.avg <- period.apply(xts.inf, INDEX = quarts, FUN = mean)

# Merge monthly and quarterly data
xts.inf <- merge(xts.inf, xts.inf.q.avg, join = "left")
colnames(xts.inf) <- c("EOP.inf", "AVG.inf")
           EOP.inf  AVG.inf
2001-01-01  81.592       NA
2001-02-01  81.736       NA
2001-03-01  81.821 81.71633
2001-04-01  81.951       NA
2001-05-01  81.970       NA
2001-06-01  82.154 82.02500
2001-07-01  82.366       NA
2001-08-01  82.406       NA
2001-09-01  81.939 82.23700
2001-10-01  82.516       NA
2001-11-01  82.683       NA
2001-12-01  82.702 82.63367
# Merge two series and exclude the missing cases from both sides
merge(xts.gdp["2001"], xts.inf["2001"], join = "inner")
            QRT.GDP EOP.inf  AVG.inf
2001-03-01 13219.25  81.821 81.71633
2001-06-01 13301.39  82.154 82.02500
2001-09-01 13248.14  81.939 82.23700
2001-12-01 13284.88  82.702 82.63367

Summary Charts

# Plot separate series under the zoo TS structure
plot(ts.data[,c(1:2)], plot.type = "multiple",
     col = c("blue","red"),
     lty = c(1,1), lwd = c(2,2),
     main = "",
     ylab = c("FED Rate","Inflation"),
     xlab = "Date")
legend(x = "topright", 
       legend = c("FED Rate","Inflation"), 
       col = c("blue","red"), lty = c(1,1), lwd = c(2,2))
# Plot series together under the zoo TS structure
plot(ts.data[,c(1:2)], plot.type = "single", ylim = c(0,20),
     col = c("blue","red"),
     lty = c(1,1), lwd = c(2,2),
     ylab = "Percentage points",
     xlab = "Date")
legend(x = "topright", 
       legend = c("Fed Rate","Inflation"), 
       col = c("blue","red"), lty = c(1,1), lwd = c(2,2))
ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = xts.data, aes(x = Index, y = ffr, color = "Fed Rate"), linetype = 1, size = 1) +
  geom_line(data = xts.data, aes(x = Index, y = infl, color = "Inflation"), linetype = 1, size = 1) +
  scale_color_manual(labels = c("Fed Rate","Inflation"),
                     breaks = c("Fed Rate","Inflation"),
                     values = c("Fed Rate"="red","Inflation"="blue")) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,20), breaks=seq(0,20,5)) +
  scale_x_date(limits = as.Date(c("1960-03-01","2018-03-01")), date_breaks = "10 years", date_labels = "%Y") +
  theme_hc() +
  theme(legend.position = c(0.82,0.85), 
        legend.direction = "horizontal",
        legend.background = element_rect(fill="transparent"),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_line(size = 0.1, colour = "grey", linetype = 3),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_line(colour = "transparent"),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_line(colour = "transparent")) +
  labs(x = "", y = "", color = "", 
       title = "Federal Funds Rate and PCE Inflation", 
       subtitle = "Percentage points", 
       caption = "Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.")
Federal Funds Rate and PCE Inflation
Percentage points


  1. For more information check the official web site and these other useful sites: site 1, site 2 and site 3.↩︎

  2. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, for more information check the web site.↩︎